Jan 28, 2010

Hawaiian Treasures

Grandma and Grandpa Kuips brought back some fun souvenirs from Hawaii for the kids.  Kyler loved his light up Spiderman sunglasses and Spiderman shirt, Taylor was not as thrilled with her authentic Hawaiian bikini.  Unfortunatley for Taylor, her mommy loves it!  Too cute!!!

Jan 9, 2010

Hot Tubbin'

Too cold for me no matter how hot the water is!

Jan 5, 2010

Naughty, Naughty

Taylor was such an easy baby (I could say the opposite of Kyler).
Kyler was such an easy toddler (I am finding I can say the opposite of Taylor).

Our little lady has some definite opinions she vocalizes quickly and loudly.  She is also quite mischievous.  Her latest object of interest in the toilet (yuck!)  Kyler and I couldn't locate her or his play tools today.  We soon found both in the bathroom.

The funny thing is that Kyler skipped the terrible two's and saved the name for the three's.  That means I have Miss Attitude and Mister I Didn't Hear Those Directions in action at the same time... Yikes!

Kyler insisted on "helping" me by fishing out the floating toys himself despite my pleas to please stop!