Jul 11, 2010

Skiing Prodigy

We were out enjoying Grandma and Grandpa Kuip's lake and after seeing daddy ski, Kyler decided he would like to do the same.  We were a bit skeptical thinking he would be scarred and scared for life, but not our K-man.  He tried 4 times before he finally got up and made it about 200 yards on skis!!!  He was so pumped as were his parents and grandparents.  I didn't realize the camera was on video, so grandma caught some action shots for us to remember the occasion.  The video is a little bumpy since we thought it was a still picture being taken, but hang in there and don't blink and you might get to see our boy!
He kept asking to go again!

There was more fun to be had...



  1. What a big boy. I can't believe it!

  2. OK, so Jackson and Lil have been tubing several times this summer and I was impressed...they better step up their game!!!

    That is awesome! I can't believe he got up!
